I found this image going through my files, It's a nice break down of my process for creating pages. On the far left are my thumb-nails for the page, my thumbs are incredibly rough and most people can't make sense of them at this point. Based of the script, thumbnails are my first stab at laying out the page, I keep them loose and dirty so I can make changes without losing much.
The middle image is the linework / clean up phase. This is from the Pompey comic and I'm not sure if I did this one in photoshop or on the ipad. Non-the-less it's at this point where my drawings start to actually take form and become readable to people other than myself. This process includes a lot of refining, and locks down what I want from the page. I'll also make notes for what I want animated or what should have an alternate image. This is also where I lock down text placement.
The last image is the color phase. I try to keep the pallet for limited, for the roman content I use red, yellow, and grey scale. If a panel is going to have an alternate or if it's going to be animated then I start that around this point. Often I'll do a very loose color blocking for the whole page, then do the line work for the animated panels, then lock down color for the whole page.
Finished page here: https://www.thebirdbraincomic.org/pompey-bio